Composition of the terrigenous component in the bottom sediments of the Lake Onego different areas
DOI:Ключевые слова:
Lake Onego, bottom sediments, terrigenous component, dark-colored minerals, accessory mineralsАннотация
This article touches upon the terrigenous component of the Lake Onego bottom sediments. The terrigenous component represented by quartz, feldspar, and muscovite is spread throughout the lake’s water area and corresponds to the composition of the parent rocks of the lake’s catchment area. Dark-colored minerals (amphiboles, pyroxene, epidote, etc.) are unevenly distributed, and reflect local sources of terrigenous material in some bays and areas of the lake (Petrozavodsk Bay, Central Onego, South Onego). In the areas of Big and Small Onego, Povenetsky and Zaonezhsky Bays, local sources of terrigenous material are not found in the upper horizons of the bottom sediments.
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