Preliminary results of palynological investigation of lakes bottom sediments from Pechora Delta River


  • Nigamatzyanova, G. R. 1
  • Frolova, L. A. 1
  • Nigmatullin, N. M. 1
  • 1 Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya Str., 18, Kazan, 420008, Russia


Ключевые слова:

pollen, spore, tundra, Arctica, Nenets Autonomous Okrug


We studied spore-pollen spectrum of the arctic lake Arcto-Pimberto (Pechora river delta, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russian Arctic) from a short sediments core covering last ca. 6000 years. In total, 28 pollen and spore taxa have been identified. The spore-pollen spectrum from the sediments were dominated by arboreal taxa. Pollen of Betula sp., Cyperaceae and Sphagnum spore were present throughout the core in relatively constant percentages. Four palynological zones are definable under consideration on the basis of the spore-pollen data (PZ I PZ IV). The spore-pollen spectra from the PZ I are characterized by a prevailing share of arboreal taxa pollen mostly represented by Betula spp., Salix, Alnaster with the presence of heather (Ericaceae) communities. The PZ I was deposited in wetter conditions. The spore-pollen spectra from the middle layers of the core (PZ II PZ III) are characterized by an increased concentration of herbaceous taxa pollen. The climate was more arid. The pollen spectrum from the PZ IV reflects the development of moss and low-growing shrubs in wet climates.





